Code Review
·3 mins

Table of Contents
Checklist #
Automated checks #
- Code style (linter)
- Code formatting (beautifier)
- Code smells, inefficient algos, security issues (static code analyzer)
- Basic functionality (unit and integration tests)
Functionality #
- Happy path / Negative path
- Edge cases not considered
- Min / max values
- Boundary testing
- Invalid params / special characters
- Null checks
- Entry / Exit criteria
- Look for obvious bugs
- Off by one
- Misspelled variables
- Wrong number of parameters
- Wrong ordering of parameters
Readability #
- Idiomatic
- Should be clear what is happening
- Descriptive and meaningful names (variables, functions)
- Complexity / length (lines, functions, classes, modules)
- Comments
- Unnecessary comments can be removed
- Complex logic / regex’s / decisions made should have comments about why (rarely, what)
Maintainability / Extensibility #
- Structure (folders, files, code)
- Modular and reusable
- No code duplication
- Proper logging added
- Proper exception handling included
Performance #
- Inefficient algorithms and expensive operations
- Improper data structures
- Excessive object allocation
- Concurrency / race conditions
- Inefficient string concatenation or logging
Security #
- No back-doors added
- Validate inputs, permissions
- Vulnerability scan for new libraries
Additional hygiene #
- Branch names and commit messages are correct
- Can utilize gitmojis for quick / easier parsing of what the commits are doing
- Any necessary documentation is added / updated
- Swagger / OpenAPI specs
- Any autogen docs
Positive feedback #
- Call out good practices followed
- Appreciate how some comments / some problem was addressed
- Note things that were done well
Go To References #
- Code Review Developer Guide | Google Eng Practices
- How to do a code review | Google Eng Practices
- Generally, approve changes when it definitely improves the overall code health, even if the changes are not perfect
- Balance making forward progress vs. importance of suggested changes
- Seek continuous improvement, not perfection
- Make sure:
- code is well-designed
- functionality is good for users (end-users && devs)
- UI changes are sensible / look good
- parallel programming is done safely
- code isn’t more complex than it needs to be
- things implemented are for now, not for unknown future requirements
- appropriate unit tests are added
- tests are well-designed
- clear names used for everything
- comments are clear and useful (mostly explain why instead of what)
- code is appropriately documented
- code conforms to style guides
- Make sure to review every line of code, look at the context, ensure code health is being improved, and compliment on good things that were done
- Include comment severity:
: very minorOptional
: good idea, not requiredFYI
: think about this in the future
Videos #
How to Do Code Reviews Like a Human - PyGotham 2018
- Settle style arguments with a style guide
- Let computers do the boring parts
- Be generous with code examples
- Never say “you”
Can you rename this variable to something more descriptive likeseconds_remaining
- We: Can we rename this variable to something more…
- Remove subject: Suggest renaming this variable to something more…
- Passive voice: This variable should be renamed to something more…
- What about?: What about renaming this variable to something more…
- Frame feedback as requests, not commands
- Offer sincere praise
- Aim to bring the code up a letter grade or two
Grade Description A Excellent code. I can spot few (if any) minor opportunities to improve clarity B Pretty good code. Obviously correct functionally. Could use better naming or a few more tests. C Functionally correct, but a bit difficult to understand. D Seems functionally correct, but very difficult to read. Requires a major refactor F Is either functionally incorrect or so unintelligible that I don’t know if it’s functionally correct - Handle stalemates proactively